Cookies notice

Last update: 08/08/2023

This Cookies Notice provides information on the use of cookies and similar technologies, and applies to the website, owned by SOWOIT, Unipessoal Lda., a company with registered office at Rua de Artilharia 1, nº 51, Páteo Bagatela, Edifício 1 – 4º andar, 1250-137 Lisboa | Portugal.

This website uses cookies within the scope of its Privacy Notice. For more information about the personal data we collect, the purposes for which they are collected, and what your rights are, see our Privacy Notice.

What is a cookie

A cookie is a small text file installed when you access a website and is recorded on your computer in the browsers’ folders, containing information about data and navigation characteristics (for example, how many times you have accessed a website) or the User’s preferences (for example, what information do you want to see when you access a particular website).

Why do we use cookies

Cookies are used to improve the performance of websites, making them faster and more efficient, as well as to help their owners to understand, for example, which pages are most and least visited, allowing the promotion of improvements. 

What types of cookies do we use

The table below informs the types of cookies used and other information that must be provided to the User:

Type of cookiesPurpose
Strictly necessary cookiesThese are cookies that allow the proper navigation and use of the website, namely the use of forms and language change, as well as for security purposes.
Functionality cookiesCookies that allow to save the options selected by the User regarding cookies, the chosen language, or other settings to provide a personalised user experience on a website.
Analytical cookiesCookies used anonymously to measure User activity on the website, as well as to measure its efficiency through campaigns, to improve the organization and functioning of the website. These cookies store information, without personal identification, such as the number of visits, how long the visit lasted, if the visitors were previously on the website, and how they arrived at the website.

Third-party cookies

When you visit the SOWOIT website, which contains integrated content from other websites, you may receive cookies from those websites. We do not control the implementation of these types of cookies, and therefore we suggest that you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them. The same applies if you share SOWOIT content through social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok.

SOWOIT accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever regarding the cookies used on other third-party websites that are referred to or for which there is a link.

Cookie management

You can use your browser to manage cookies – accept, refuse, or delete.
All browsers are different, so here are the links to the most popular browsers:

If you do not want your visit detected by Google Analytics, you can disable it at

Regarding Google Ads, you can: 

However, we warn you that disabling/eliminating cookies may prevent some services on our website from failing to function correctly, affecting the navigation of the website.


For more information, you can send an e-mail to the following address: